Adenomyosis Advice Association
Adenomyosis Advice Association
advice, support and information on adenomyosis
advice, support and information on adenomyosis

The Emotional Part
The Emotional Part

As often with the general treatment of many gynaecological conditions including adenomyosis, emotional health often seems to be left to 'sort itself out'. Although as any woman who has or thinks they may have the condition soon realises, the emotional effects of adenomyosis and it's treatment are often long and last well after surgery.
Firstly, dealing with and understanding the condition can be in itself quite an emotional ordeal. The nature of the condition means that the hormonal changes will trigger changes in mood, temper and energy, sleep patterns alter as does stamina. These changes are very physical and tangible and must be monitored carefully and treated in a way which best suits the individual. It is vital that once adenomyosis has been diagnosed, that the condition and overall health is assessed carefully in terms of work and if necessary that regular support from your surgeon/GP is available. Consider all the options very carefully, and ask yourself do you really need to have a hysterectomy?
Although the latest techniques of surgery for adenomyosis seem to indicate in future perhaps a move away from hysterectomy and in fact protecting and preserving the womb and the reproductive system, for those who's condition is too advanced and all other treatments have failed, they are likely to be facing a hysterectomy. The changes that the surgery itself creates must again be dealt with sensitively and carefully.
Although the apparent relief of pain, discomfort and symptoms are the main aim with removal of the uterus and are initially a very great relief, the 'shock' and lack of blood supply to the remaining organs often triggers other issues including hair loss and temporary or even early menopause in some cases, which in turn causes other changes which must be carefully monitored. This must again be treated according to the individual person's needs i.e. bone density, general condition of the heart, cardiovascular system, nerves and wellbeing etc.
Grief and loss are both major emotional side-effects that also need to be dealt with and not left ignored. For many who may yet have had a chance to plan a family, they will need to look at all the options available to them in terms of emotional support and counselling should they not be able to conceive prior to surgery. Even for those who may not have wanted any more children, it will still come as a shock to the emotional system that will take for some a great deal of coming to terms with. For those who have had either a partial or total hysterectomy and/or any other procedure as well as, depending on the level of disruption to the body's delicately balanced endocrine system changes will occur that may not have been anticipated. Any hormone replacement must be considered very carefully, synthetic, bio-identical and diet controlled.
That being said there are a great number of support networks available when dealing with coming to terms with the loss and changes, and I have listed a few below:-